Friday, December 5, 2008

Where is your child now ?

It is now school holiday and the kids at home are so free and bore that they try to find time to do something more useful rather then staying at home watching TV or playing computer games.

My elder niece is trying to fill in time by helping me update my database contacts in exchange for a meal and a minimal pocket money. Other kids are going for holiday camp and indulge in some relaxations.

Just now I was sending a friend back home after lunch when my eyes caught these 2 little girl sitting next to the dump bins. I thought they are playing around, but I was a little shock to see that they  (I assume are sisters as they look alike) are running through every piece of bottles; plastics and glass. Sniffing the contents and separating them ! The first thought came to my mind was where are their parents ? How is the family condition ? As a child they lose their childhood, perhaps by helping their mum to feed their younger siblings. It always trouble me to see that kids have to help out parents or being in an abusive family. 

Kids nowadays are expose to being street smart rather then being academic smart. A lot of parents encourages their children to stop school if the they don’t do well; why less parentsare encouraging their kids to finish school ? Then again there is always the debate of what’s the point of having a master’s degree when a street smart guy can earn double the graduate ? Well that’s always the debate. To me it doesn’t matter how much a person earn either in monetary or degree, if he is a scoundrel or con he is NOT worth a single dime in character and respect. A degree holder can be earning as low as he don’t deserve BUT if he earn it through his efforts and hard work, he well deserve every single cents. If the street smart guy earns thousands via vice and drugs he is worth nothing !

I would rather teach my kids to be a better person then to have them holding a doctorate but earning money through scams and laundering ! Likewise though the kid is not smart enough to finish college, at least I’ll teach him to be an honest person. Being honest to oneself though can be seen as stupid by others is not a sin. The universe have eyes and are aware of whats happening; there was a chinese saying 'the kind hearted will be bullied by fellow human, but not by the universe'

We come into this world without a single cent in our body, nor do we wear any branded cloth with us. When we live, we can never bring what we gain from this journey with us like we come but we can live behind memories and a name to people who had share our journey. If in your lifetime you can touch at least 5 people, your life is not a waste.

Children, I read somewhere, is like flour. It is so pure and white, it is the baker that molds the shape of the bread, bun or cake and tops it with coloring and icings that it change to become hard, soft, colorful or plain. If we simply put the responsibility to the oven or cooker to decided what shape and color for the bread or cake or bun then it will turn out to be nonsense and useless; its neither here nor there and you have to throw it away. So please do not let your kids be thrown away, when you can simply spend little more time to mold them. Please do not let go of your responsibility to the teachers at school, they have no responsibility to remind your son or daughter to clean their plates after dinner or wash their feet before sleep nor wish their grand parents.

Where is your child now ?

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