Thursday, December 11, 2008


I was trying to find something to write and was observing what is happening around me of late. They are a lot of things that is happening actually; a friend from the finance industry got retrench, another was staging a mass resign, one was having an old sickness comes back to haunt her, there are many other things that is evolving around us. The universe, God in accordance to your religion, is ever testing our perseverance and patience to rise above our problems and misfortunes. Everyday there tend to be disaster, be it nature or man made, in some corner of the world, everyday there tend to be dead, everyday there tend to crime committed voluntarily or accidently. Everyday among the many of us, things happen, misfortunes never stops, be it a sick family member, lost of assets, lost of life, lost of job. It is never ending but how each of us handles these adversities in life makes us who we are and what we evolve to be. 

All these are our lessons and tests, testing our ability to rise above these occasions or fall on the occasion. These are lesson for us to learn to be strong and not give up who we are. My young niece was asking why would anyone commit a crime of cheating, why would anyone kidnap a young girl; molest and kill her ? Why would anyone do such a thing of cheating ? and killing ? I can't answer her immediately, all I can advise her is what ever you do ... take into your HEART as consideration that you can face ourself and be true to your heart. Everyone of us are born pure and innocence, we embark on a journey with lot of high hopes and dreams but along the way we taint ourself with sins and guilts that at the end of the road we awakes and learn to repent our sins hoping that it will not be too late. 

In our everyday lives, or may be as in my life, there are many many things happening and evolving that makes me realize and connects with the spiritual side of me. I have been blessed with my own awakening on certain issues and sights that needed my attention or lessons thrown to me so that I learn from it. I have learned to listen instead of hearing, I have learn to be a little more patience instead of rushing in, I also learn to let my heart rule rather then allow my head decides. I accept that things happens for a reason and are a lesson for me to prepare me for the bigger issue that is on the way ! I am trying to learn from adversity, that all the misfortunes are just trials and as in any journey the bumpier it is the more fun it will be. Instead of a life that is plain and dull.

Preparation; I come to realize and accept that all crisis are blessings in some ways that it prepares us for the next chapter in our life, the next journey that we are to embark on. That we should not be weaken by what had transpire and any misfortunes that had bestow on us. 

How much you can take adversity ? How would you come out of it ?

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