Saturday, September 26, 2009

burning flame

Burning Flame, I have always emphasize on working with the flame. When a person wants to excel in one area, he or she have to have that burning flame in his or her heart and once the flame wade off, its also the end of the light.

When we work or commit ourselves into something we must always let the flame burn on, we may allow it to dim but never die off ! It goes the same with passion, for a life without passion and dream is a life not worth living; is a life live without knowing what it is for.

In every little or grand gestures that we do, we should do it with this burning flame ! This very same ‘heat’ comes alive when I was involved in a group tweet in support of a ‘couple’ recently. A fellow twitter was so full of ‘passion’ which I don’t think it as bad. Because when a deeply passionate person feels the frustration of a struggle, it automatically surface all emotions that has been running deep. And this is real and true emotions. This is also part of what I am trying to deal with in our Asian cultures, tons of minorities be it race, gender or religious conflicts are being surprises’ in Asia and most frustratingly is the person being suppressed is not doing anything about it to rise up ! Just let it be .. living a life without truly living in it !

I quote a little example of a casual encounter that I had recently. This person is so afraid to come out to her family citing filial piety and tons of circumstances that may rise from it. Well yes different family have different values and there’s a Chinese saying ‘ every family have it own mantras that is un-chant able’ And there goes, who is more selfish here ? The parents/family or the person itself ? If let say she choose to come out and this will makes her parents angry and says that she is a bad daughter etc etc and selfish in her choice to come out that may tarnish or make the family lose face. This could end up her parents disowning her, zero inheritance from parents, and she is totally on her own. But she live and honest life, no lying, no covering up of tales after tales, the heart is full and are able to speak the freely !

Now lets think of the other way round, that she chooses not to come out and seek happiness of her own. After all one is responsible to one’s own happiness or in this case unhappiness … she choose to be in the closet forever and not being recognize anywhere and not being able to come out in the open with relatives and friends acknowledging who she is. She live a life of deceit and lies … she makes her parents happy living in a world of deceit and make pretending that nothing happen and all is right ! And she is being tie to a string like a bird that is not able to fly away to higher ground to the sky .. something is in there that is not free.

Of the 2 choices, which would you take ?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

while I was away ...

While I was away in Bali recently on a business trip with a group of divers and to meet up with a close friend associate. I for the first time felt like returning 'home'. I stayed in this resort Alam Asmara before it was open back in 2004. The birth of this resort had been through a long and winding road that is full of joy and happiness, sweet and sour ! I had witnessed this journey of this resort's growth and when I finally get the chance to stay in a sense of melancholic comes instantly when I was greeted in the middle of the night by the same person who receive me during my first stayed when it was in its final stage to be ready for opening but have yet to be fully furnish ! I was the unofficial 1st guest then with no staff, no proper toiletries nor a 'working' kitchen (basically its all empty except the one room that is with only the bed & shower).

And now after 5 years I am finally back to this resort again, as a guest ! I am speechless ... its a full cycle though its not complete because along the way, a friend did not make it to see the finishing of this resort, Anez passed away due to sickness and she left behind a dear friend who have to struggle to make their dream comes true. Anez plays a major role in this resort. I hope she can see that it has now fruit well.

A few times when I walk along the pathway when I went to the restaurant when I went in to the spa room or just passed the reception, my heart was filled ! I can feel the struggle to get this dream fulfilled the long and winding journey !

I, too, am trying to fulfilled a dream in fact I am greedy to be working on 2 at the same time. I am always multitasking and dream far & wide ! And the road had never been easy ever since I make that leap out of silent retreat ! I want I want I want ...

And also during this trip, I had venture out on my own doing one thing that I could have never thought of doing at all. I ride a motorbike ! ! this is the second time I do so, the first time was in Ko Lanta with Keiko. But this time I was alone, it's something that I could have never thought of doing after numerous visits to Bali. My adventurous side kicks in and it feels nice .. just to experience that and step out of the normal routine !

Sunday, September 13, 2009

my recent Bali trip

Ok this is my recent Bali trip ... some random pictures.

At Tulamben wreck, world war II USS Liberty ...

this is the Black & White version

Mola mola gone holiday, too bore took picture of myself lor.

This the mysterious eyes of Alam Asmara ...

Nusa Penida, the Mola Mola island

Coleman shrimp of Seraya *trying my skill at u/w photography*