Thursday, September 8, 2016


I read and copy the below few years back....

you walk down the road, you accidentally falls into the hole, you quickly climb back up

you walk down the same road again, and it was dark, not knowing, you fall into the hole again... dust off yourself and quickly climb back up

this time you saw the road from afar being cautious you know the hole is there yet you still falls into it, this time you blame yourself and force yourself to climb back up

you make yourself falls into the hole again and refuses to climb back up .. you just sit there !

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I am really lost for word to describe the current situation. it took me a long time decide to step out of the comfort zone and move on. Just when I thought that this zone is comfort, the next day it turns out to be the battleground !

Just when I thought that it is safe and that it is growing at a healthy level, it is dying. Pre mature ending. And it makes me wonder, if I had not step out; what will it be for me ? Could be better, could be worse. It won't be the worst ever, then again.

It's just I am flabbergasted by the sudden change of situation. Just too overwhelming for me to absorb. Yesterday, I am relieve that it is on good hands. But today, it was transfer to another hand ! No warnings, No signs.

How amazing things just reverse and make a 180 degree turn ! It doesn't really affects me anymore as I had stepped out.But the heart feels sad, something that was develop with much efforts and passion was not allow to see the harvest; pre mature ripens being snatch away.

I won't bare grudges to the person who snatch the fruit but I blame the person who own the tree. We are just the farmer who work tirelessly to trim, nurse and water the tree hoping that one day we get to share the fruits.

Reverse, who would have predicted ? I am angry, I am feeling hurt, I am in another way relieve I wasn't caught in between.

What tomorrow brings, you'll never knows.
Cherish what today gives you with open arms.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The journey continues ...

A consultant told me before that she says every one of us are repeating a cycle in our life journey and that 10 years is the cycle. What happen now is similar to what happens 10 years ago; unless we rise above the situation and move on, the cycle will keep repeating itself and we will never learn and understand what the hidden lesson is.

As my journey continues, I had chosen a foreign path. 10 years ago, I did chose a rather different path from what I was doing before. Now I chose again, a path that is not familiar in my working life. But will often come across. Standing in the cross road for a while; I was mulling and looking at every corner trying to find a familiar spot; but things are getting even more blurry.

I live to challenge my ever curious soul, to always try something new in the related field of Tourism. I always say I am a Tour and Travel person. I want to try all jobs that is related to it. I however overstayed in in my hobby of exploring the undersea. Then again .. that journey is as beautiful as it is and still a never ending journey, of which I find it ignites my passion in another way.

My journey continues, as in all of us, to the unexpected. The courage to step out of the so comfort zone into the unknown; had always been my soul. Always trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I am now counting on days when I will finally hit the ground running. I am always well planned and playing out what to expect tomorrow. I had always want to control the whole situation by analysing every angle and seeing things from the top with my bird's eye view. But this time I am clueless, and trying hard to learn new things everyday. Passions drives me on.

It was a real challenge to stepping out of that comfort zone. In the transition now, asking myself what had I got myself into ? Counting down the days was both scary and exhilarating at the same time. Not knowing how I will cope, not knowing how I will fair. Most of all, the heart is mixed. It was rather a heart over head decision. That I will not regret doing but will certainly regret if not doing.

At this stage as the journey continues, whatever I do now I do what my heart feels. There is just too short in time to mind over what the head is thinking. There will be people who says you are stupid in doing this, but what had my action gotta do with your head ? There is no need for acknowledgments of sort if at the end of the day I am able to face my creator with open arms and open heart.

As the journey continues, I hope to achieve what the heart felt is right rather then worry over what the head is conspiring against.

So the journey continues ...