Friday, January 30, 2009

Like Sunshine after Rain

I like this title that a good friend is using for his movie, soon to be release. In every of our own story, there will definitely be rain and sunshine some may encounter thunder storm or typhoon. But it is for definite that after every rain there will be sunshine and sometimes rainbow too ! 

But every so often the question is how long will that lasts ?  How long can we take in the rain, storm; how long can we bare with it ? Can we last until it shines again ? Or we give up half way and never see the sun again ? 

I had a long pause before continue writing again. Too many things are moving, playing in my mind the last weeks, coupled with Chinese New Year preparations etc. Its already a year passed, a new year just arrive, it's now the year of the Ox. The Ox should be as strong as the bull, charging ahead with strong economy and bullish market. However the opposite is the way, then again we shouldn't let this negative 'chi' to affect our daily live and allows it to overpower our mind. Without staying positive and finding the alternative way out, there sure will be a dead end in front of us. Its all in the mind that we think we will lose our job, got retrench and not be able to progress. In a time like this we should be thinking of sustaining rather then to progress. Alternatives, plan B or even plan C, if not this then that; crisis always provides opportunities for those who care to look and see rather then those who sits and waits. Chinese says 'Ngai Kee' is equivalent to 'Danger and Opportunity'. In every crisis/ danger we will be provided opportunity to shine.

If you have already set your mind to something, then only the universe will be able to stop you .. no human can do that. If you have faith in yourself in such a gloomy time then fate will be yours.

It is bad to keep thinking of the negative effect and results, its better to think and concentrate our energy in plan B or alternative way out. I just read an article about foreign workers in our country hitting between 1 million; if we gradually stop issuing work permit for them at least it will helps our locals to get a job in this temporary trial period. Otherwise our monies will continue to flow out and our people will continue to be jobless.

In such a a trying period, those who can sustain and come out untainted will the survivor and winner .. not only in their work but in life as well. It's everyday trying for everyone of us, some are going through minor trials, some are going through major lessons in life. To stay positive and optimistic is a better way to live our current life as there is a choice of to live in misery or happiness despite the current condition. 

I also remember an old Englishman whom I had a brief encounter with when I first join the workforce, his wife was hospitalized with broken hip bone. I asked him is he ok  becasue he nevers show any sign of sadness nor distress, always with a smiling face. He always says he is ok, and he told me that crisis always provides him opportunity to learn, this crisis provides him a most important lesson ... that he loves his wife very much; until today I never complain of any crisis that comes to me as I knew there is always a lesson behind it. So do yours ... 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Just a short note taking the opportunity of the Chinese New Year of the Ox wishing you a year fill with happiness and let peace be with your heart.

I cannot resist the urge to mention my beloved mum here, it is the first year without her around, the reunion dinner is not complete and does not serve its purpose though we are together. Every so often we take things for granted until we lost it. The reunion dinner will never be the same again !

Happy Chinese New Year .. wishing you lotsa of joy and abundant of prosperity :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Time to share

Its festive season now and should be the time where family gathers and share. The past years, all my new year eve's are spend away from my family members, making it my memorable years away and usher in the new faith and hope. Partying away the year. Never had I thought of them nor mum when I was away. I was the most adventurous child and the most outgoing too. The most rebellious too.

This year I am going to stay, not going anywhere, not planning anywhere but just to be with my siblings and their families. Its gonna be time spend with them my only family members left. This the time to share; to ask for forgiveness, to ask for support, to weather through the stormy days ahead, if there is any.

Share ? How much can one person share with another ? How open are we to share our feelings and problems ? How expressive are we when sharing ? Each have their own way of expressing.
Some verbal, some actions, some just by being there .. which one is yours ? I am learning to express myself better by with all 3 as different time will need us to react differently with different people.

I would like to mentioned here that during the past 2 weeks of my 'silent retreat' a friend, a stranger from a foreign that became friend offered to listen me out. Its nice to know that somehow somewhere when you think you are alone, you actually ARE NOT. I just reminded of that this morning, I am not alone. A lot of people are either standing by my side, behind me or just by being there. Most of these people, are not those that I thought would be. And it appears that I have never thought that it would be them ! Perhaps its time to really opens up my eyes and look around not only by seeing but seriously looking.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

one ends is another beginning

2008 had come to an end, 2009 will be a testing year ... so much of uncertainties and so much of promises as well. For what seems like the end is another beginning, it goes for ALL. Everything when it ends here, it will starts somewhere. When this chapters end, the next will begin immediately. 

This is how life is and how each cycle are rotate. There will never be and nor will there be a start, every end is a start and every start is an end. That is how complicated the universe had created for us. Only when we finally put a stop to all our suffering, the cycle will be a never ending.

Not gonna post a long one here, just wanna wish you a year full of Faith, Wisdom and Love. Let your Faith keeps you persisted in your dreams, Wisdom to guide you through all the instability and darkness that is temporary , lastly let Love fill your heart, so that the fight will be a good fight !