Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I am really lost for word to describe the current situation. it took me a long time decide to step out of the comfort zone and move on. Just when I thought that this zone is comfort, the next day it turns out to be the battleground !

Just when I thought that it is safe and that it is growing at a healthy level, it is dying. Pre mature ending. And it makes me wonder, if I had not step out; what will it be for me ? Could be better, could be worse. It won't be the worst ever, then again.

It's just I am flabbergasted by the sudden change of situation. Just too overwhelming for me to absorb. Yesterday, I am relieve that it is on good hands. But today, it was transfer to another hand ! No warnings, No signs.

How amazing things just reverse and make a 180 degree turn ! It doesn't really affects me anymore as I had stepped out.But the heart feels sad, something that was develop with much efforts and passion was not allow to see the harvest; pre mature ripens being snatch away.

I won't bare grudges to the person who snatch the fruit but I blame the person who own the tree. We are just the farmer who work tirelessly to trim, nurse and water the tree hoping that one day we get to share the fruits.

Reverse, who would have predicted ? I am angry, I am feeling hurt, I am in another way relieve I wasn't caught in between.

What tomorrow brings, you'll never knows.
Cherish what today gives you with open arms.