Friday, February 6, 2009

Tipping the Point ... Unconstitutional constitution law

I don't like to comment much of the ever deceitful politics be it local or foreign, however I find that being a neutral and check / balance party our Malaysia royalty had acted partially with out balances. HRH is obviously under duress/stress to take part in the tussle with power of 2 parties in his state of Perak.

The 'Rakyat' (people) is reap of their choice of government, even the constitutional law is not being use as it should be to determine and guard the rights of the people. It does not matter now as chinese says ' Rice is already cook' ... so be it the new Chief Minister sworn in. Then again, many of its citizen ad ALL Malaysian, will be thinking and in deep mulling what is the point of going for election when our constitutional law is not being follow ? What is the meaning of having a Ruler who don't listen to the voice of the people ? What is the meaning of having laws to bind every single person in a country, that includes any Royalty when force is being instill ? To evacuate the legitimate Chief Minister, to dissolve the state assembly. 

Is there any difference that we call ourself a not democratic ? No chance of electing a new government but being given one ? Power and money can drive the a desperate to act and make the wrong move .. Sun Tzi says ' one wrong move will spoil the whole game ' our Deputy Prime Minister is so desperate to take charge of his next racial party election to be the President that he wants to show that he is capable of action. This could be the move that will tip the point .. the tipping point !

I don't now know much of the constitutional law but the last 2 days of my whole life, I read and understand tremendously what it means to have the right as a Rakyat to choose who will speak for me ! And I am sure this will be remember by many alike me who wants justice to prevail, to be more translucent. 

What is happening now is the tip of the iceberg and could be more to come. It has pave way for DPM to work his way in force to show what he is capable of doing and before the next race party election. It's going to be tipping point of DO or DIE ! Its now or never, the game had started and its no turning back .. and its bad for the whole economy. But who cares, to grab power and to grab it fast, for without power it will be worst ... its by hook or crook ! BN must win back the states ... 

As a bystander who keep quiet most the time, I think there are many like me for the first time realizing that something is terribly wrong with our constitution and monarchy ! 

I always wonder, what is in a persons mind when one does what he does ? A person can instill a person to kill, and pretend that it never happens. Don't we have faith that reminds us everyday that what goes around comes around and that we must be truth to ourself and God or Allah or whatever mighty you call it out there is looking at you ? I always ask what is the mind of those who manufacture the contaminate milk that had killed so many babies in China ? Don't they have faith ? Well being Chinese communist they don't, they were not teach to believe in religion or the teachings of being good. There is no God to see that there have to be good, so that they will receive good in return.

Anyhow, what I have written is just my own personal observation as a bystander. And it is sad to see that circumstances make us who we are NOT ! And that people DO .. don't act what they preach ! and that is what drive a DESPERATE man